

I colored my hair yesterday. It is not something Erwin typically notices, so I was happily surprised when this morning we were in the bathroom and he said, "Did you color your hair?" Yes, I answered, pretty shocked that he noticed. As he looked at me, he said, "Well, it looks really nice. Don't you think so?" It felt good that my husband noticed a change in me, that he bothered to mention it...as I said, it's not typical for him. So, thank you dear husband, for bringing an extra bit of happiness to my life today, for your kind words that made me feel more valued, somehow just a little bit prettier. It really did bring a flicker of sunshine to my life today...

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Can't wait to see your new hair colour! Did you go for something different and drastic? Maybe red like Shazza? Next thing you know you will be cutting it all off like I did... Just kidding... Erwin wouldn't like that look on you. Have a great weekend! HUGS Amanda xox :)