
New York City

Yesterday we spent the day in NYC. It never fails to get my adrenaline running with all the people, sounds of tooting horns, smells of heat, and the lights, wow, all those lights. If you haven't been there, it really is a worthwhile trip. It's amazing. We had a slice of hot, fresh pizza after getting off the train and then we were straight out into the middle of this diverse excitement. Take my hand, guys....you don't want to get lost! And how easy that is to do. We walked to see Tarzan and passed all the fireman doing a Jerr'y Kids campaign. We saw policemen on bikes, motorbikes, horses, foot, and in cars. That of course gave the kids lots to talk about. They greeted some motorcycle police and got their picture taken in the heart of Times Square. Just imagine buildings piled ontop of buildings all with huge movie screens of every imaginable size and people galore running in and out of these, millions of cameras firing at once, sirens squeeling, homeless asking for money, and megaphones shouting out. And people preaching God. And people handing out pamphlets. And taxi's, oh so many taxi's. It makes my heart beat faster just thinking about it again.

Tarzan...oh wow! I just love live performances and this was no exception. Wow! Dancing and music and scenery...Tarzan coming right into the audience hanging from his tree swing. The huge ship traveling to Africa, and sound effects. My kids were TOTALLY entranced. Jari kept retelling every movement with an excited passion and clapped extra hard after each scene. Kaeden just watched and even when asking him a question was too mesmerized to speak. It was wonderful. I am so, so grateful to be given these opportunities, not only for my own enjoyment, but to open up the world to the boys. There is so much out there and Broadway is but a tiny little piece of culture. Even the building in which it is housed was beautiful. The ceilings and walls beautifully restored and painted. I just can't explain it. You've got to see it for yourself. And if you do, just be ready to be wow'ed. There is nothing like NYC anyplace else that I have been. I'd NEVER want to live there, but for a dazzling time, go for it!

Well, today we pack up and head to Wisconsin. I'm ready to see my family, enjoy hearing stories that have happened since we last met, ready for big hugs and that feeling that you get from noplace other than knowing these are your blood. And for creating stories that can be passed down through the generations to preserve this family that is ours.

Thank you SO much Taylors, for your love and care. Thank you for being such wonderful friends, another family I call mine. Thank you for opening up our world, giving us these experiences we would otherwise not have. I love you all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Tera!

I am so glad to hear that you are all having a wonderful time in America. I tried to call you before you left here but I never got a hold of you. I wanted to surprise you the other day and call you at your parents house... I found the number easily because I remembered your maiden name! Anyway I spoke to your mother, she is so friendly and sweet! Just like you. I just wanted to tell you to have a lovely trip back home and a very happy birthday for the 23rd July! Give my love to the boys.

Take care and enjoy your time back in your home land.

See you soon when you get back!!!

Lots of Love

Amanda, Corné & Harry. xox
