

Wednesdays are hard for me. At this moment I have taken a time out from playing and making games out of cleaning up to listen to my children scream, cry, and fight upstairs. I have had enough of my kids today. I can't wait til 4:50 when we leave for Jari's soccer practice, for 5:50 when we leave fro Kaeden's Judo lesson, and for 7:20 when the sitter comes to relieve me of parenthood....for just a couple hours while I attend Kaeden's parent-teacher conference (so, that's my way of getting out of parenthood for awhile). My boys are boys...they have fun doing anything that makes a mess, they fight each other continually, and when I come between them they curse me for being mean to "my brother". If I hear one more "Moooooooommmmm, Kaeden did..." or "MOM, Jari did..." I am going to pull every last hair out...and not out of my head, but theirs! Why, oh why, do Wednesdays have to be only 1/2 days at school?

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