

I was tagged by my friend Amanda. Check her out here...

A- Available or single? Not available, not single...just married to the best guy around
B- Best Friend? I have a few good friends and want to keep it that way so I won't name a "best"
C- Cake or Pie? Oma's Apple Pie
D- Drink of Choice? Cappuccino...yum!
E- Essential Item? Kaeden's ritalin...don't leave home without it!
F- Favorite Color?Green...with yellow a close second
G- Gummi Bears or Worms? Worms with the sour stuff on them
H- Hometown? Larmie, Wyoming, USA
I- Indulgence? A bubble bath with candles and a good book
J- January or February? January...my eldest son's birthday
K- Kids and names? 2 boys, Kaeden Riley & Jari Wilhelmus Theodorus
L- Life is incomplete without? Love
M- Marriage Date? August 9, 2003
N- Number of Siblings? 2 younger brothers, Travis and Trevor
O- Oranges or apples? Mandarin oranges...they peel easier :-)
P- Phobias/Fears? My kids dying is the biggie
Q- Favorite Quote? "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter, don't mind." Dr. Seuss
R- Reason to Smile? I got two cards in the mail today
S- Season? Summer, the sun gives me energy
T- Tag three people! I'm not much of a tagger...but I'll try it once... http://smalltownrambling.blogspot.com/
U- Unknown fact about me? I sleep the whole night with my electric blanket on high!
V- Vegetable you hate? I don't think I hate any...but sprouts are not my fave.
W- Worst habit? Biting my nails
X- X-rays you’ve had? Most recently on my ears as my hearing is going and we don't know why...but also on my knee, my ankle...hmmm...I've had a few but can't remember it all
Y- Your favorite food? Enchiladas
Z - Zodiac? I am on the cusp of Cancer and Leo, born on July 23rd (just like my girlfriend Amanda). I am more of a Leo tho! :-)

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